
Today's Hot Tip Brought to You by Bell, a Pepper You Can Count On

What to do if you forgot to pack a spoon, fork, or, even better, a spork

Wendy’s Writing
The Daily Cuppa Grande
2 min readOct 25, 2023


Tupperware box with quinoa salad, tomatoes, and a hand holding a small bell pepper with some salad on it as a spoon.
Shinny belloon scooping quinoa! Photo by the author.

I present the bork! Or boon? Maybe belloon?

I like to use my food as a spoon, if plausible, and doesn’t harm anyone.

Hot off the press! A tip for today’s hot tip — the belloon is not recommended for roly-polly heirloom tomatoes.

They tend to do as they do and roll off the belloon, thus tossing bits and pieces of tabouli about like they’re the Mardi Gras Queen.

Unless you want to play truth or dare? I dare myself to eat my slippery roly-polies with my shiny yellow belloon and not drop them like a hot potato that tosses tabouli like a boss Mardi Gras Queen.

Added bonus — this doubles as a climate friendly solution as you don’t throw away disposable utensils nor do you need to wash utensils.

It’s a trifecta win for the planet!

My lunch is over so I gotto go. It’s been a hoot.

Do you have any stain remover suggestions?

Epilogue —add a level of excitement to your game by eating your belloon as you go!!! Can you time the last bite of goods with the last bite of belloon?

I’m not saying this is my roly-poly, but this is what my roly-poly would look like if it did what they do, and I stepped on it. Photo by author.

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Wendy’s Writing
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Wife, Mom, & Author, all at the same time. I write books, blogs, and slogans. It’s not about the money, but it’s also about the money.