What Ever Happened To Mikey?

The famous little boy from the LIFE cereal commercials

Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Image by Author with Canva and YouTube Screen Capture

I’m one of those guys that is a curiosity addict. It’s easy for me to get caught up in the “What ever happened to [supply name]?”

If you’re from the USA, you may remember the (13 year) running commercial about Life Cereal with Mikey and his two brothers. The one liner, “He Likes It — Hey Mikey” (or some such derivation) became iconic, even to this day.

If my description doesn’t strike a bell, here’s the commercial that filled the ’70s and ’80s airwaves:

Three-year-old Mikey was played by John Gilchrist.

Interesting side note: The other two boys in the commercial are Mikey’s/ (John Gilchrist’s) brothers in real life.

So what happened to ‘Mikey’?

Young Johnny Gilchrist was involved in more that 200 other commercial projects, but none left their mark as did Life Cereal’s “Mikey.”



Gary L Ellis
The Daily Cuppa Grande

Over 40 fruitful years as a Life Coach, Public Speaker, Relationship Counselor, and Creative Communicator. FOLLOW and get my EMAILS for updates!