When Heaven Turned Into Hell

The best and the worst in a single day

Adrienne Beaumont
The Daily Cuppa Grande
3 min readAug 11, 2024


This is what cortisone does for me. I can sit on the floor and play — and I can get up again. Photo by Keeley Schroder


A call from Katie Michaelson woke me at 9.38am. We enjoyed a much overdue catch-up but were interrupted by a call from Keeley. “Carl is dropping off Caelin to play with his slime.”

I flew out of bed (I really did, thank you Cortisone) and prepared some cardboard out in the sunshine for the slime play area just as Caelin rushed in, ready to play. I stripped him quickly, sat down in the warm sun, to watch him play before I resumed my conversation with Katie. A phone call is not good enough for Caelin. He wanted FaceTime. A child of technology.

Slime wasn’t enough for my not-so-little grandson. He spied his kinetic sand which I had been too busy (let’s be honest, lazy) to put away. I could see his inquisitive brain working but I was too slow to react.

Slime and sand? What fun! For him. Me, not so much. I laughed watching him try to get the sand off his hands. I shouldn’t have because he tried to clean the sland off his hands onto my nightie. Eeew, yuk! *slime and sand=sland

Not wanting to drop sland all through the house, I picked him up and dumped both of us straight in the shower. The sland was stubbornly stuck between his fingers and toes…



Adrienne Beaumont
The Daily Cuppa Grande

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.