Why You Should Join Toastmasters

You might just discover your deepest truth

Gregory Russell Benedikt
The Daily Cuppa Grande


Picture of the award ceremony at our latest Toastmasters meeting

When was the last time you acknowledged yourself?

Or gave yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished?

I don’t know if I’ve ever done that.

My inner critic tells me that a quick pat on the back will turn into full-blown narcissism.

But that’s total BS and I know it.

So in an attempt to practice what I preach, here we go…

Writing this is a metaphorical high-five from present Gregory to my past self.

For having the courage to FINALLY join a Toastmasters club over a year ago.

It was something that I had said I wanted to do for years.

But like nearly everyone, I kept putting it off.

It took my sister GETTING MARRIED to finally move me into action.

I had a best man speech to give and I didn’t want to ruin her special day.

So I went to Toastmasters every week for over a year.

I gave speeches, I volunteered to be president, and I sweat through a lot of shirts.

In the end, it all paid off.

