A Joyful Scavenger Hunt

How to find love for yourself


Photo by Michelle Leman from Pexels

Have you ever wanted to add more love to your day?

Yesterday I listened to a lesson in a character sculpting course by Steve Pavlina called Stature. He encourages you to create loving notes for yourself and hide them.

I added a fun twist to this activity.

Scavenger hunt steps:

  1. Write loving notes to you on post-it notes.
  2. Stick the post-it note on a cut-out photo of a gift basket.
  3. Place the papers around the house in books, bags, and drawers.

Some examples of notes you can write to yourself:

You are a loving person.

You are beautiful.

I love you past, present, or future, Trista. (Insert your name instead)

Every time I find a note, it makes me smile!

Have you tried a self-love activity? Share your story!



Trista Signe Ainsworth
The Daily Cuppa

I write stories of love and encouragement from my heart to yours.