A Puzzling Addiction

Can’t help myself

Julie Ranson
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
May 6, 2021


Incomplete puzzle in black and white
By author

My husband bought me this puzzle. Its box reads, “Color Your Own Puzzle.” Initially, I wasn’t too excited about the challenge, but being a great wife, I didn’t let on. Bob admitted last night that he’d told a friend:

“Julie’s gonna love it OR hate it.”

Well, true, there’s not much in-between with me.

I finished the puzzle in progress on the dining table, then opened up this daunting sucker. It didn’t take me long to figure out…

hey, I can actually do this!

Completing a puzzle requires organization, patience, and acuity for shape and pattern. Ding, ding, ding!

Now, I have to color it. What relaxing fun! Naturally, I researched online for best practices. And, I figured out what this puzzle’s image portrays. A calico cat. On a rug or quilt.


color your own puzzle
By author

Written by Julie Ranson.



Julie Ranson
The Daily Cuppa

Word Lover. Writer. Self-improver. Believer. Widow. Mother of three adults. Find me everywhere: https://linktr.ee/jjranson