Act First or Plan Early?

Mukundarajan V N
The Daily Cuppa
4 hours ago


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

“Do you need early action or early planning?” (James Clear)

All tasks do not necessarily proceed linearly from planning to action.

Acting hastily or planning too long is a recipe for failure.

Creative tasks mostly demand early action. Artists cannot waste time planning how to make art. Writers have to start writing, painters have to start painting, and musicians have to start singing before they plan how to shape and release their creations.

A book project has to begin with the author actually starting to write. It’s not necessary to plan the book cover’s design or shortlist potential publishers before beginning to write.

Constructing a building or a bridge, however, requires early planning with the design and structural outlines. Unplanned, hasty construction will cause disastrous consequences.

Act first, or plan early, wisely, depending on the task at hand.



Mukundarajan V N
The Daily Cuppa

Retired banker living in India. Avid reader. I write to learn, inform and inspire. Believe in ethical living and sustainable development.