Spice Collection

Add Horseradish for a Swift Kick

A spicy root

JM Heatherly
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Apr 5, 2022


Image by Kuttelvaserova Stuchelova via Shutterstock

Horseradish is a root vegetable used to contrast meat and vegetable dishes, like some European cuisine. Archaeologists found evidence from Egypt in 1500 BCE to Passover from antiquity. Ancient Greeks used it as an aphrodisiac and back rub, and horseradish was on a painting from Pompeii.

Legend retells how the Oracle at Delphi once told Apollo, “Horseradish is worth its weight in gold.” Notwithstanding, it makes a delicious treat for those attracted to the intense flavor. Incorporate it into a unique Bloody Mary, or sauce it up with some beef.

Nomenclature: Armoracia rusticana
Tastes: Hot, spicey, peppery, burning, pungent, similar to wasabi
Uses: Meat/Veggie dishes, sauces, antibacterial, clears sinuses & digestive system, folk medicine.
Origin: Russia/Hungary

Recipe: Horseradish Sauce (GF)

Alt-Ingredients: Sour cream, prepared horseradish, mayo, chardonnay, salt, pepper, chives, paprika.

By JMHeatherly



JM Heatherly
The Daily Cuppa

(he/they) Edit, Garden, Hospitality, Music, Organize, Socialist. Finding gems to polish for you. https://www.jmheatherly.com/