Adult Nature, Child Soul: The Mystic’s Tarot

№0 Child


Copyright © 2023 Henry India Holden, “Child.” Deck created by author and available for purchase.

“Play is the work of the child.” — Swiss child psychologist Jean Piaget

Are you feeling the midweek slump? Are too many tasks draining you? Try emulating child nature by assimilating your tasks to your interests instead of the other way around. For example, as a songwriter, I might create a nursery rhyme for a set of actions.

Creativity? Imagination? Silliness? Pick what suits you best to be childlike.

The more familiar you are with every detail, the less curious you naturally become. The Child encourages you to approach the boring, draining, challenging moments as if for the first time.

Some questions you might explore today

Am I willing to let go of the “significance” of the situation, my work, and even myself?



Henry India Holden💖
The Daily Cuppa

Eco-spiritual writings about nature, the human world & love. Soul coach, ecotherapist, Reiki master.