Beyond The Surf

a truthful dream poem

Kristen Kittel
The Daily Cuppa


surface questions (image credit: JSB Tabet)

In Neptune’s realm, where tempests dance their course,

There lies a castle, stately, strong, and grand,

Its towers rise, defiant, o’er the force

Of surging waves that crash upon the sand.

Within its walls, a kingdom dwells unseen,

A realm of mystery, secrets deep in shade,

Where mermaids sing with voices so serene,

And sea nymphs play with grace that never fade.

Above, the gulls, like sentinels, do cry,

Their cries, a haunting chorus to the breeze,

While sunsets paint the ocean in the sky,

A sight that brings the bravest soul to knees.

This castle, by the ocean’s roar embraced,

A timeless beauty, secret depth enlaced.



Kristen Kittel
The Daily Cuppa

Archeologist of Quirky Ideas. Fond of Bubbles, Excellent at Archery, Prone to Fits of Punning.