Blowing bubbles Mindfulness Exercise

To help you let go of uncomfortable thoughts and feelings


Photo by Gianandrea Villa on Unsplash

This is an easy and fantastic way to release messy thoughts and feel better.

  1. What are you think right now?
  2. What are you feeling? (Tired? Hungry? Nervous?)
  3. Reflect on these thoughts and feelings
  4. Now pretend to blow a bubble.
  5. Put your thoughts and feelings inside it.

6. Think: My thoughts and feelings are just like bubbles. They appear. They drift away. And sometimes they pop!

7. Visualize your thoughts and feelings drifting away in the bubbles.

8. Blow as many bubbles as you want, until you feel better.

This works great for kids too!

Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles ❤ Did you smile today?



Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles
The Daily Cuppa

Publisher, Namaste Now! Writer, all genres. Editor. Poet. Diabetes Warrior. Traveler. Photographer. Hopeful. Wears son's oversized tshirts