Breath In Breathe Out — The Park

Daily short-form reads for those interested in meditation.

Dave Karpowicz
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jul 18, 2022


Momma sparrow feeding baby
Image by Peter Kraayvanger from Pixabay

Breathe in — Breathe out

Breathe in — Breathe out

The park is alive today.

People walking — Fat dogs following

Moms running after kids

Momma sparrows are feeding squawking babies.


Breathe in — Breathe out

There is a singing -

a private church service at the table next to us.

Mom has her eyes closed — singing — swaying

Dad is harmonizing.

Kids watching — learning — growing.


Breathe in — Breathe out


This post is part of the Breathe In — Breathe Out Series found on



Dave Karpowicz
The Daily Cuppa

My goal is to provide perspectives that may open you to the wonders and joys that are already part of everyday life.