Bubbles: The Fleeting Spheres of Joy

Anup Uniyal
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jan 12, 2024
Photo by Giu Vicente on Unsplash

Something is charming about bubbles.

The magic happens when a thin soap film captures a pocket of air.

They gallop with the wind, soaring to heights while defying gravity. Under the sun's filtered rays, they display a spectrum of vibrant colors.

Watching a fleet of bubbles dance around you can be a simple but joyful experience. As they float towards you, gracefully landing on your skin — there's that subtle tickle, a delicate kiss!

Then comes the burst.

It disappears into a mist, leaving traces of moisture behind.

There’s a powerful yet simple lesson there:

Everything is in flux, and change is okay.

That’s life for you — joyful, fleeting, unpredictable.

We spend our present brooding on the past and planning for the future. And one fine day, poof you're gone.

Cherish the moments. Enjoy the beauty while it lasts.



Anup Uniyal
The Daily Cuppa

Engineer by degree and consultant by profession. Wide interests: Spirituality, Self-Improvement, Yoga & Meditation, Nature, Humor, Storytelling, Technology