Clean Sheets are Love No Matter Where I Am

A A McRae
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jun 5, 2023


Coffee cup on clean sheets
Photo by Sara Varasteh on Unsplash

Awww, clean sheets.

It doesn’t matter where they are.

My mom’s house
A cabin in the swamp
My sister’s guest room
A “fancy motel”
My air mattress in a canvas tent

Wherever I find myself, clean sheets are luxury. (Although I think they’re always better when they’re on my bed at home. They’re a luxury to which we don’t always treat ourselves. Don’t judge. Sometimes laundering sheets just aren’t a priority)

That clean linen smell.
The crispness of those corners.
The lack of crumbs.

Clean Sheets.
Such. A. Luxury.

To me, clean sheets are love.

© A A McRae 2023



A A McRae
The Daily Cuppa

I am a teacher, parent, cookie-baking experimenter, library enthusiast, and all-around bookworm. Twitter and Instagram: @aamcraewrites