Clean the Litter Box

Almost-daily affirmation for May 4th

Nancy Oglesby
Published in
May 4, 2024


The author apologizes. 😒 Image credit: Canva Pro

“Watch what you tell yourself. You’re likely to believe it.” — Russ Kyle

Take time to clean your mind’s litter box. Scoop the crap, toss it in the trash, and prepare a fresh new surface.

How much of your self-talk is negative? I call myself stupid at least once a day. Or, clumsy, old, and something creatives will relate to, lacking imagination… A lot of crap!

Is the box clean? Now, stay out of it! You won’t. None of us will. So, clean it and start over.

Brain dumps are a perfect way to scoop out crap. Write your negative talk, then ball up the paper and toss it in the trash.

Litter box, clean!

“My mind is clean and ready for good thoughts!”

Here’s to a year of wonder!

©2024 Nancy Oglesby



Nancy Oglesby
The Daily Cuppa

I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication