Covid Day Eight— The Little Things Get Neglected

Penny Grubb
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Mar 24, 2022


Photo: Penny Grubb

It’s the little things that get forgotten. Spending all our time asleep is restful and doubtless aids our recovery, but it leaves less time for doing other things.

The seedlings are growing with minimal intervention, the pond could do with some maintenance but it won’t hurt it to wait. Ditto the house. We’re keeping ourselves fed. Any housework that needs doing beyond that is not going to run away (worst luck) so that can wait too.

But we shouldn’t have forgotten the bird feeders. I’d spotted birds lining up — had even made a jokey comparison to Hitchcock’s The Birds, not realising they might really mean it until I saw the feeders swinging empty. I’ve made a note for first thing tomorrow — feed birds or risk avian wrath.

Watch this space…

©Penny Grubb



Penny Grubb
The Daily Cuppa

An award-winning crime novelist & long-time amateur poultry keeper, who specialised in teaching methods, healthcare & software engineering as an academic.