Covid Day Seven— How To Avoid A Nasty Shock

Penny Grubb
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Mar 23, 2022


“Anyone for tennis?” Photo: Penny Grubb

If you get Covid, get a gizmo to measure your oxygen saturation. A nasty trait of the disease is to damage your lungs on the quiet. By the time you notice, there isn’t always a way back.

The device clips on your finger and gives you a reading. However — and this is a key point — it’s made to be used on other people. The first time I checked my own level, it was so low it almost shocked me to cardiac arrest.

But I’d know if I was already dead (I told myself with scant regard to logic), then realised I was reading it upside down.

In other news, the Caped Crusader wants to know why we’re not coming out to play.

Watch this space…

©Penny Grubb



Penny Grubb
The Daily Cuppa

An award-winning crime novelist & long-time amateur poultry keeper, who specialised in teaching methods, healthcare & software engineering as an academic.