First the Warm Nights Then Cold Snow

Sunday sonnet

William J Spirdione
The Daily Cuppa


flowerstalks with shadows above melting nighttime snow.
Photo by William J Spirdione

Warm nights had slowly melted snow away.
I watched those bits of once alive as seen
against still sparkling slushy ice decay.
Their shadows crossed, told stories of what’s been.

I wake as flakes fall fast and chase the night.
The sun is hidden, just a glowing bump.
Flip, flit, those perfect crystals reflect light.
Those flakes look comfy as they take their jump.

The pressure dropped. The clouds spread open wide.
Flakes falling, sticking, surfaces attract.
A cardinal lands. Red burns bright with pride
against the wind-tossed whiteness, nothing’s lacked.

The roots grow happy. Earth is warming up.
More snow awaits. Soon, spring plans to erupt.

Thorny branches on moonlit snow with animal tracks
photo by William J Spirdione

Thank you, The Daily Cuppa, for publishing these Sunday sonnets.



William J Spirdione
The Daily Cuppa

William J Spirdione is a poet who writes sonnets and more about nature and the humans within it.