Episode 18

Juneta Key
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
May 3, 2022


by author/canva/pixabay.com/photos

I should hang a shingle: Afterlife Detective Agency, Finder of Lost Things, and Psychotherapy Counseling.

The first ghost, Manford a Texas Ranger, died in the line of duty when he happened upon a ritual sacrifice.

Ron, a pickpocket, stole a cursed artifact.

Wendy, a mom to three, the oldest daughter was a psychic.

Bob, a millionaire cowboy, died before he found out who stole his prize horse golden horseshoes.

Oddly enough, Crazy Lizzie as she called herself, was the one I helped. She had a spirit attached to her spine. No one believed her. It was her twin who died in the womb. I separated them. They both moved on.

The others required some leg work and investigation. The knock on my door brought the ghost consultations to a halt. I peeked through the door hole.

Shamus Doyle had returned.

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