Adrienne Parkhurst
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jun 10, 2021


Grrr…my Medium mobile app feed is frozen.

Screen shot of Medium mobile app home page.
Screenshot by author

My “Following” section seems to update fine (Hi Ching Ching!). But, my article feed switches between an article about the traditional 9–5 work day being over (Rick, I hope you’re right), Shannon Ashley’s inability to overcome home burnout, and a minister grabbing Carol Lennox’s breast.

All of these articles appeared in my feed on May 29th and never left. Like meddling neighbors, they overstayed their welcome.

I thought I needed a “reboot” so I shut my phone off and opened the app. Lo and behold, Rick, Shannon, and Carol popped up again.

I begrudgingly clicked on the articles to see if that helped. Nope, still there.

Is Medium holding other articles hostage until I read these three articles?

I know, I know. Just report it. I think this is how conspiracy theories start.

By Adrienne Parkhurst — Suspicious. Optimistic. Stubborn.



Adrienne Parkhurst
The Daily Cuppa

Mom. Wife. Writer. Editor. Healthcare Freelance Writer. Lifetime Learner. Flawed Leader. Sharing my life lessons through personal essays and memoirs.