Happy Heavenly Birthday Chuckles!

Stacey Lynn Klug
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Dec 31, 2023


Photo by Author

Iwant to celebrate you and not mourn you today.

It is hard because I miss you so much.

I thought we had so much more time together.

Now I know tomorrow is never promised.

I should have celebrated more with you when you were still here.

That is a moot point now because you are not here.

You are with your son now, so I hope you are so happy.

You can celebrate with him now.

I hope you are having the happiest of birthdays.

So today I will celebrate with you.

I'll do the best I can to honor your memory.

I'll listen to your favorite songs.

I'll laugh at your not-so-funny jokes…

I'll have a piece of cake for you!

Happy Birthday!



Stacey Lynn Klug
The Daily Cuppa

Writing has always been the very breath that substains me,