Herb Collection

What the Lakota Call Ichahpe Hu

A floral, medicinal herb

JM Heatherly
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jul 14, 2021


Photo by Khara Woods on Unsplash

Echinacea, or coneflower, includes 10 species from Eastern/Central North America — often used as medicinal teas. E. purpurae tends to be the most common therapeutic choice today. Most Great Plains tribes consumed this herb — including the Lakota Sioux, Choctaw, Pawnee, and Cheyenne.

With a spiny blossom, its name derives from the Greek “ekhinos,” or sea urchin. Lewis and Clark documented indigenous most using E. angustifolia. Seemingly a native cure-all, tribes treated symptoms like cold/flu, snakebites, sore throats, general pain management, and more.

Scientific name: Echinacea (var)
Tastes: floral, pine, meadowsweet
Uses: herbal tea, pollinator food, folk medicine

Recipe: Echinacea Tea

Ingredients: ¼ cup dried echinacea, 1 tsp dried lemongrass, 1 tsp dried mint
Directions: Add boiling water, steep for 15 minutes, sweeten with honey if desired

By JMHeatherly

Photo by Nataliia Kuznetcova on Shutterstock



JM Heatherly
The Daily Cuppa

(he/they) Edit, Garden, Hospitality, Music, Organize, Socialist. Finding gems to polish for you. https://www.jmheatherly.com/