How Audiobooks Score Over Videos in Helping Children Learn Better

Mukundarajan V N
The Daily Cuppa
Jul 17, 2024


Photo by Findaway Voices on Unsplash

“As parents and educators seek to nurture smarter and more well-rounded children, audiobooks can play a significant role.”(Andrey Vyshedskiy, the

Children use digital devices a lot these days. Prolonged exposure to screens erodes children’s memory, attention, curiosity, and self-control. They consume content passively and stop thinking for themselves.

Audiobooks are better learning tools than videos because:

  1. Children use their voluntary imagination to understand the stories. It improves their problem-solving skills.
  2. Children learn to listen attentively. Their attention spans increase.
  3. Listening helps improve their vocabulary and language skills.
  4. Children learn through self-directed learning. They develop the ability to frame narratives in their minds and learn to connect the dots between different stories.
  5. They protect children’s eyes. Too much screen time harms children’s vision.

Audiobooks are effective storytellers, just like our grandparents.



Mukundarajan V N
The Daily Cuppa

Retired banker living in India. Avid reader. I write to learn, inform and inspire. Believe in ethical living and sustainable development.