How many of us crave something outside of the traditional?

Miss Arte
The Daily Cuppa
Jul 18, 2022


Photo By Kateryna From AdobeStock (Standard License)

Seriously, we put so much pressure on ourselves trying to have a textbook relationship, that we forget a relationship should be what we wanted to be, not what others tell us it should be.

By definition; It’s a way in which two or “more” concepts, objects, or people are connected.

Why is it that we use the word ‘relationship’ and automatically pre-access what it means?

The image is finalized before anything is said.

And, of course, unless we fit into this perfectly subscribed box of how we should act, what we should feel, and the steps we should take — we’re doomed to fail?

Are you 100% happy with what you’ve got, or with the idea of what you want? Or are you like me, sitting there wondering if there is possibly more?



Miss Arte
The Daily Cuppa

British sexually curious women making life changing choices, exploring love, having adventures and writing about all of it in a very confusing world!