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How to Say ‘I Love You’ With a Skateboard

The peculiar love language of siblings

Nadine Bjursten
The Daily Cuppa


Photo by Drew Hays on Unsplash

James Patterson said, “Half the time when brothers wrestle, it’s just an excuse to hug each other,” and it occurred to me that brothers (and sisters) communicate their love in any number of peculiar ways.

They tell you they love you when their hand reaches up to hold your spoon just as you are about to taste your favorite cinnamon apple cobbler. They tell you they love you when they throw a raw egg your way, hold you and fart, or pour a bucket of water over you as you enter the door.

Some brothers aren’t too gentle or smooth when they tell you they love you, but sometimes it happens:

That time your older brother carried you home on his skateboard after you tried to take the hill like he did and ended up cutting up your knee.



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