Leilani Austen
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
May 13, 2021


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

“I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson

I wish I did this. Not only would I always have something to do and not need to scroll on my phone, but I’d also be able to jot all my thoughts down (paper for writing > phone).

I don’t have lots of writing ideas that need a place on paper, so that I don’t forget them. Unless I do, and I’ve already forgotten them. That is a distinct possibility.

We should try to incorporate keeping at least one book in our pocket. So we can put in them the other thoughts that come to mind. Such as, ‘Don’t forget to check in with Teresa about that thing she told me about.’

It’s all too easy to forget these little things that show how much we really care.



Leilani Austen
The Daily Cuppa

Leilani Austen — Living life. Writer. Author. Learning. Teaching. Sharing. Growing. No shame. Just living. With husband. Furbabies. And chocolate.