Ideas by Moonlight

My Best Writing Time

Becky Carter
The Daily Cuppa
Apr 14, 2024


Photo by Cristofer Maximilian on Unsplash

I mentioned in Writers Write that I discovered free time in the morning before everyone wakes up.

The problem is my brain is mush at that time until coffee.

Then after the coffee, the busy buzzing plans for the day begin and creative writing is out the window. I have started using that time to read instead.

After writing more at different times, I discovered my best ideas come after dark.

It is like the sun powers up my brain to get my required responsibilities for my day job and house completed, but the moon shuts off the buzzing and in the sudden silence she drops the ideas down.

I began writing once my pajamas were on and the words flowed so much smoother.

I began embracing the late hours over early and it feels great.



Becky Carter
The Daily Cuppa

A curious writer, coffee enthusiast, gamer, artist.