Is Your Cat Coming?

Broken import processes

Jennifer Dunne
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jan 28, 2023


Photo: from Pexels

When we arrived with our cats last year, we waited a long time for a vet to be called in to examine them. This year, we were proactive.

I added a note to the customs form, saying we were bringing our cat with us. The airline scheduled the trip as having a pet onboard. When we went through immigration, I told the lady stamping our passports that we had a cat.

This just cut down the time until a vet arrived.

Apparently, the correct process is for us to personally email the chief veterinarian on the island to let her know that a cat is arriving, and when.

You’d think, with all of the forms we had filled out for her (export form, import form, health certificate), someone would have mentioned this.

Most tourists must not bring pets.




Jennifer Dunne
The Daily Cuppa

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