It’s Smoking Hot in Montréal

Barb Dalton
The Daily Cuppa


Screenshot from Authors iPhone

Today was meant to be a gorgeous cloud-free day. My plan was to hang out at the pool and finish a trashy novel I started last weekend.

I woke to thick, smoke-scented air from the scores of forest fires that are burning out of control north of the city. The air quality index — AQHI — was well over the accepted threshold.

Instead of enjoying the heat, there was nothing else to do but stay inside. I did venture out briefly to run errands, but it was most unpleasant. All day, you could see the sun desperately trying to break through the layer of smoke, but she was foiled.

© Barb Dalton 2023/06/25

It’s meant to improve by the end of tomorrow, but with the wind stream, the blanket is heading across to Ontario and then into the USA.

Stay safe, everyone.



Barb Dalton
The Daily Cuppa

Mum to 3 humans, 2 fur balls. Kiwi-Canuck. Nursing Instructor by day; rants, reminisces and rhymes by night. Owner of Nursing Notes, Editor at The Daily Cuppa