
What Are They And What Do They Represent?

The Daily Cuppa


Photo by Author

I decided to learn something new today. Browsing through some of the photos I took earlier this year, I saw these colourful fish-shaped fabrics.

As usual, I relied on the trusty Google image search to check out what these are.

These beautiful carp-inspired windsocks are called Koinobori.

It originated from a Chinese legend about a brave carp that transformed into a powerful dragon after surmounting a waterfall.

As such it came to represent determination, resilience, and the pursuit of excellence.

Displayed during Children’s Day in Japan, the largest carp represents the father, the smaller ones the mother and children.

The vivid colours embody family hopes, reminding us to persevere through life’s challenges.

Koinobori’s message is clear. We all have the strength to leap forward, celebrating a bright future together.



The Daily Cuppa

An INFJ sharing his thoughts about life and events around the world. A photographer freezing fleeting moments of life with his camera.