Kopi Luwak Coffee

World’s most expensive coffee, a gift from our thoughtful son

Michael Rhodes
The Daily Cuppa


Photo by Author

Our Christmas box from our son arrived yesterday. Seems it was lost in the mail between Japan and California, but the Postal Elves pulled through and it arrived.

All of his gifts to Mom and Me were thoughtful and things we would not have bought for ourselves.

Junior knows how much I love coffee.

Don’t we all here on the Cuppa — love either coffee, tea, or both?

I received Kopi Luwak Coffee, some high-end Japanese coffee, and a Japanese french press cup thingy.

If you saw the movie “Bucket List,” you already know about Kopi Luwak. Here is a clip about this most unusual coffee for anyone who hasn't seen the movie.

I had a cup, the smoothest coffee I have ever had. Not the slightest bitterness.



Michael Rhodes
The Daily Cuppa

Retired - Top writer in Sustainability, Travel & Food. Married 41 years, we have a Corgi dog. Love, camping, baseball, Bonsai, travel, & food.