Last Morning Walk of 2023

The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jan 15, 2024


Photo by Author

On the last day of 2023, I decided to head to my favourite park near my place.

Despite the weather forecast predicting rain, I decided to go ahead with this plan.

Photo by Author

I got there around 6:30 am, and to my surprise, the park was empty. It seemed like others had heeded the weather warnings and stayed home.

Photo by Author

This was a rare opportunity in which I could have the entire park to myself.

In this serene setting, I found a space for personal reflection.

Photo by Author

The year 2023 has been filled with highs and lows. I am especially grateful for the blessings and opportunities that have come my way.

As I continued my walk, my mind naturally turned to the future. I hope I can continue to work on being a better person.

Eventually, I left the park with a sense of calm and clarity.



The Daily Cuppa

An INFJ sharing his thoughts about life and events around the world. A photographer freezing fleeting moments of life with his camera.