Miss Arte
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jul 18, 2022


Let’s carve our own perfect and not be doomed to follow the norm.

Photo By pathdoc from AdobeStock (Standard License)

We all grow up envisioning our ‘perfect’; daydreaming of the good times that are to come.

Then we’re told, “almost 50% of all marriages end in divorce.” We have all heard this before, right?

So why if statistics show us, that we are going about it all wrong, do we not take a different approach?

Researchers also estimate that 41% of all first marriages end in divorce. Humans make better choices the second time around? Do we need to follow someone else’s rule before we create our own?

So why not, for a second consider that your ‘perfect’ marriage/life is far from what you have been told it should be. Let yourself carve out what you want your life to be and let everyone’s opinions about you be damned.



Miss Arte
The Daily Cuppa

British sexually curious women making life changing choices, exploring love, having adventures and writing about all of it in a very confusing world!