Life found outside Earth!

We might not be alone in the universe

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The Daily Cuppa
Published in
1 min readSep 13, 2023


Credit: Pixabay

120 light years away from Earth lies K2–18b.

An exoplanet in the Goldilocks zone.

It’s nearly nine times the size of Earth, and it could hold life.

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope may have detected dimethyl sulphide there — a molecule only produced by life.

Although researchers emphasise the need for further data collection before conclusions are published, signs point to potential life on the planet.

What might life out there look like?

Sarah Johnson, an ‘alien genome project’ researcher, believes it could be like nothing we’ve ever seen.

That’s what makes it so hard to find.

“It’s one of the biggest challenges we have, like imagining a color we’ve never seen” — Johnson

What do you think extraterrestrial life will look like?

Do you believe aliens are out there?

