Petra Kidd
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jun 29, 2024


Market Tales: We do care about what the weatherman says.

Photo by Dean Drobot

If it is raining, you will find us complaining.

Too windy, too cold, too hot, too wet, too icy.

You could be forgiven for thinking that the weather is always ‘too’ something for traders.

And usually it is.

Trading on the coast exacerbates this. It may be warm, sunny, and calm inland, and you leave home with a smile on your face, only to drive into a sea fret and encounter a gusty breeze.

People have asked me, “Is the weather ever perfect?”

Yes, but this is as rare as hen’s teeth.

The challenge, however, is part of the charm of trading. There is a certain satisfaction in successfully getting your canopy over the bars in a high wind. Weird, but true.

If the weather constantly behaved itself, we would be bored.



Petra Kidd
The Daily Cuppa

Photographer and Writer. I write short stories. I shoot, I write, I publish. Find me by the River Wensum.