Damon Smith
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Feb 21, 2023
Photo by Ryu Orn on Unsplash

Apologies to all who read my Monday moments.

I have been MIA for the following reasons:

1. Job

Busy season again, (for the uninitiated) everyone wants their tax returns and financial statements audited in January — March.

2. Moving home

My fiancé and I have recently completed the purchase of our first home. Thus, my spare time has been filled with moving boxes and unpacking items to make the house feel like home.

I will be back on the bandwagon next Monday 27th Feb 2023.

I look forward to seeing you.



Damon Smith
The Daily Cuppa

A Ponderer - Hybrid Athlete - An Accountant.🇬🇧 Please follow to keep up to date 👍🏻