Monday Moments: Episode 8 — The Bus

Damon Smith
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
1 min readJan 2, 2023
Photo by Roman Fox on Unsplash

I used to be a bus user.

However, I am now privileged and lucky enough to be able to afford a car, thus my exposure to public transport is limited.

One time, the bus had stopped to allow others to board, meanwhile an ambulance was passing with its siren bellowing.

It is typical that road users would, in this instance, move over to allow the ambulance “right of way”.

I noticed that a gentleman who was sitting in front of me, as the ambulance passed, swayed to his left…

Once the ambulance had passed and driven away, he looked over his right shoulder. As if to check if anyone else needed him to move out of the way…

This made me chuckle!

Once again, I believe this to be the universe’s way of rewarding me for being present and “In the Moment”.

Thank God I don’t get the bus anymore…

Happy New Year!



Damon Smith
The Daily Cuppa

A Ponderer - Hybrid Athlete - An Accountant.🇬🇧 Please follow to keep up to date 👍🏻