My Cat Eats Popcorn

And tortilla chips, and beans

Jennifer Dunne
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jul 30, 2021


Photo: Lina Angelov on Unsplash

It’s well known that cats are supposed to be finicky eaters. My cat never got that memo.

She loves crunchy snack food. The other cat will delicately lick all of the butter or powdered cheese topping off a piece of popcorn. This one just gobbles up the pieces.

If she finds an open bag of tortilla chips, she’ll crawl inside, grab a chip, and back out, prize clutched in her mouth. She’ll run off and devour it in private. We can hear the crunching. Then she comes back to grab another out of the bag.

But her favorite treat is beans, especially white beans. After they’ve been dumped from a can into the strainer, I have to stand guard, or she’ll reach a paw in and scoop one out. Two. Three.

Don’t get me started on tape.



Jennifer Dunne
The Daily Cuppa

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