Adrienne Parkhurst
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Apr 30, 2021


No one calls you out like your kid.

Mallard male duck in grass
Photo by Bente Hagens on Unsplash

Yesterday, an 8 a.m. cat grooming appointment threw off my schedule. To get to the groomer on time, I pulled up to school earlier than normal. But, I forgot my oldest son’s backpack.

I circled back home and arrived eight minutes late to the groomer’s.

Cade yelled, “Ducks in our yard!” I joined my youngest son and watched two ducks waddle around.

On our way to pick up our cat, I realized I left my purse at home where I watched the impromptu duck show.

Frustrated, I talked to myself. “Damn, I mean darned, ducks!”

Cade said, “Did the ducks put your purse on the table?”


“Touche, Little Man. I shouldn’t blame someone else for my mistake.”

Let’s learn from our mistakes and not blame others — even the damn ducks!

By Adrienne Parkhurst — Duck Watcher



Adrienne Parkhurst
The Daily Cuppa

Mom. Wife. Writer. Editor. Healthcare Freelance Writer. Lifetime Learner. Flawed Leader. Sharing my life lessons through personal essays and memoirs.