Herb Collection

Old Dew of the Sea Magic

Woodsy rosemary

JM Heatherly
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Dec 28, 2021


Photo by Manuela Böhm on Unsplash

Egyptians first documented rosemary on cuneiform in 5000 BCE, and they buried the dead with this Mediterranean herb. People brought this “dew of the sea” to China in 220 CE, and it now grows worldwide. Folk tales say it thrives in front of homes where women rule the roost.

Grow rosemary as an ornamental hedge, and it lives for up to 30 years. Find a well-draining spot as it resists drought once established. Rosemary and peppermint oils make a natural insecticide. Pair it with sage for a smudge, candle, or incense.

Nomenclature: Salvia rosmarinus
Tastes: Citrus, pine, lavender, sage, mint
Uses: Flavor meats and veggies, tea, antimicrobial, folk medicine

Recipe: Rosemary Chicken

Ingredients: 3.0 lb/1.4 kg chicken, salt, pepper, onion, and rosemary. Visit link for instructions.

By JMHeatherly



JM Heatherly
The Daily Cuppa

(he/they) Edit, Garden, Hospitality, Music, Organize, Socialist. Finding gems to polish for you. https://www.jmheatherly.com/