Once Bitten

Twice shy


Andre Sebastian

This day, the warmth of her eyes failed to mask the distance she had placed between us. Cruel reminder of less happy times that still haunt me. No reflection on Isabella. She had nothing to do with the previous nightmare , she was trying to protect herself.

They say you never forget the sting of first love. Unfortunately, it had ended with a dagger to the heart when the kitty turned tigress.

We were young and inseparable. Except for the continuous murmur of her mother. Reminding her she must live before committing. Live she did, even after the acceptance of my engagement ring. Out loud and in front of me until I was a wounded man.

It’s hard to imagine something so beautiful could end so tragic and scar me for life.

Isabella’s cool breeze triggered terror thought long caged.

Is love enough?



The Daily Cuppa

Patient of life, attempting to heal oneself by Quill. Transitioning from a profession of technology.