Our Original Defense Mechanism Has Now Become A Burden

Vivian Robert, Ph.D.
The Daily Cuppa


Photo by Drini Teta on Unsplash

Let’s go way back to prehistoric times — when our ancestors were hunter-gatherers.

In those times, anxiety was essential for survival — for fending off rivals and dealing with giant predators.

The extra boost of energy they got trying to protect their group or to avoid becoming game was all thanks to natural anxiety.

Cut to the present — picture our board rooms, press conferences, meetings, etc.

The same emotion that was once essential for survival has become our greatest enemy.

Where anxiety helped our ancestors perform in moments of significant threat, it now cripples us, leaving us to bite our fingernails in a corner and fend for our problems alone.

Here’s the question for you all.

Modern research deems that humanity has evolved beyond the need for anxiety as a defense mechanism.

What are your thoughts?



Vivian Robert, Ph.D.
The Daily Cuppa

Life Coaching in the areas of Growth, Self-improvement, Productivity | Aspiring Minimalist | 25+ years in Academia, Research and Consulting | X: TheVivianRobert