©Jane Frost

Pass the Salt Bush Please!

Australian Bush Tucker Bites presents Coastal Saltbush (Atriplex cinerea).

If the gorgeous silver-green foliage isn’t enough for you, this plant has leaves that can be dried and used as a salt substitute.

The leaves are also used in stuffings, marinades, stir-fries or simply blanched and boiled as a salty spinach substitute.

You’ll find Coastal Saltbush in exposed positions with saline soil along most of the Australian coastline.

Indigenous Australians ate the leaves and also crushed the leaves in water to treat skin abrasions. These plants were also a key component in their agricultural practices. They were used as windbreaks, firebreaks and to rehabilitate soil with high salinity.

It’s also useful for modern-day agriculture for the same reasons as well as providing fodder for stock animals.

Partner it up with Pepperberry and you’ve got some all-Aussie seasoning for your tucker!



Jane Frost (Jane Grows Garden Rooms)
The Daily Cuppa

Jane is passionate about Australian native plants, gardening, biodiversity, food forests , nature and the Arts. Also - owner/editor of Tea with Mother Nature