Rose CG
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Apr 8, 2023
An image of me and my dog Annie.
By RoseCG

Positive Ideas for 2023: # 40
Mix your friends like lemonade!

Friends come and go. You can’t control who stays and who leaves.

Friendship can be a sour course to navigate. It’s like making lemonade. Too much lemon your eyes will cross, but if there is not enough, it is a tasteless glass of water with the appearance of lemonade.

A few years ago, I took a trip with two friends. It seemed like the perfect mix. However, what I thought would be a perfect mix soured quickly. My friends got along well with me, but together they were like oil and vinegar.
In the end, things blew up with the heat of a teapot boiling over.

They made up, but one has disowned us. The other one has held on to our friendship.

I stayed neutral because I love them both, but I learned my lesson.



Rose CG
The Daily Cuppa

Rose C. G. is a poet, artist, storyteller, teacher and dreamer. Work is © Rose CG. (My posts may contain affiliate links, I may earn a commission.)