Postcard to Heaven-Aunty Jo Jo

Pat Romito LaPointe
The Daily Cuppa


Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash

In the picture on my desk, you are wearing one of your favorite” housedresses. Do you hear me saying, “Good Morning, Jo Jo”?

I wish we could have another day of having bread or cookies in the oven while I sit in the tub filled with bubbles, singing Perry Como songs.

I wish we could go downtown to shop. So many hours in the dresses and undergarments departments. And lunch at the department store restaurant. Did you ever eat those rolls you hid in your purse?

I can’t buy a bra without thinking of how you took me for my first one. You made it such a special day.

I can never thank you enough for teaching me empathy and unconditional love. It is a gift not only to me but my children.



Pat Romito LaPointe
The Daily Cuppa

A lover of life stories, often finding humor in them. Refuse to take life too seriously. Appreciate out of the ordinary tales and those that inform.