Reading the Work of Loved Ones…

Rachella Angel Page
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jun 18, 2024


Some time ago, my mother asked me if I wanted a book she was done with.

The book was a Christian devotional, and it was written by my youth pastor. I’ve seen him once in the past five years- he served as a missionary in China and now lives in another state.

Reading his words is refreshing and is bringing up lots of positive memories.

What I didn’t expect was that my mother wrote some of her thoughts about her life in the book. I found a random note about her keying someone’s car!

My mom is the sweetest lady ever, so this shocked me. I completely forgot that she used to have a wild streak!

Reading a work by those we love is a gift that continues to give many times after the initial handoff.



Rachella Angel Page
The Daily Cuppa

Lifestyle and creative non-fiction writer. Wife. Momma of two dogs: Maxwell and Lady. Obsessed with road trips, poetry and Kickstart. IG: @pagesofrachella