Reining The Rain

An acrostic haiku


Photo by Anna Atkins on Unsplash

Guadalajara is my hometown, and it is a city with the smell of wet earth. The rains are constant throughout the year, and that is why the streets and patios are full of puddles painted yellow because of all the falling leaves of Jacaranda trees.

I usually use rain and puddles as a leitmotiv in all my writings. I love to write haiku because it is the kind of poem that remarks the contemplation of nature, the self-revelation, and the season of the year.

I met the acrostic poems some months ago. I found them interesting because we construct a revelation in each line of the poem.

So what happens if we mix them, the resulting poem is music:

Reining The Rain

Dozed summer echoes

Reining the rain sounds just like

Missed sighs with owner

Poetry is music.



Peter Wright Storytelling
The Daily Cuppa

Latin writer who loves to write about love in terms of mandrakes, helicopters, and rugs. Peter Wright Storytelling is my project in English and Spanish.