Running “A Fowl” of Environmental Protections

Was he trying to kill it?

Jennifer Dunne
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Jan 20, 2023


Photo: Brett Sayles from Pixabay

I was telling Dad’s next-door neighbor about our island monkey exterminator, and he said he’d been deputized by animal control as a deer exterminator.

This was different from the time he was hiking with friends, and they came across a flock of Canadian Geese. The geese didn’t want to be disturbed, but the hikers needed to get past them.

One aggressive goose charged them, hissing and biting. Dad’s neighbor tried to redirect the goose, whereupon it whacked him in the arm with his wing, hard enough to open a gash that needed stitches.

At the ER, he was questioned about his encounter with the protected species. Was he trying to kill it when it had attacked him?

“No,” he protested. “It was trying to kill me! I acted purely in self-defense.”




Jennifer Dunne
The Daily Cuppa

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