
Another Canned Meat

Becky Carter
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Apr 16, 2024


Photo by Mari Helin on Unsplash

I have never eaten sardines. My canned meat experience consists of Vienna sausages, spam, salmon, and tuna.

Even though I go outside, one of my challenges is getting vitamins D and B in a happy place, and sardines are loaded with both.

Each week, I stroll through Costco and see the giant pack of canned sardines. I think,

“Hmmm, that sounds yummy.”

Then I remember that it is canned meat, which is questionable to begin with, and I think there are bones.

I have heard they go great with crackers.

Maybe I should add mustard?

My brothers add mustard to all the other canned meats among many other things. Maybe mustard just covers up strong flavors, or it’s a camping thing.

Besides, I’m not sure their taste buds work properly.

Do you like sardines, and how do you prepare them?



Becky Carter
The Daily Cuppa

A curious writer, coffee enthusiast, gamer, artist.