Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa
Published in
Mar 31, 2022

SEO Game #4: Backyards

Our neighbor’s cat visits our backyard full of trees to climb, mice to hunt, and occasionally posing as a bird at the top of the wood post supporting the bird feeders.
Author’s photo

Neighbor cat posing as a bird. He forgot his costume.

Observe the no-worried look of our visiting cat. All the birds sit on this post. They will never notice. Right?

Practice your observations for non-obvious clues to discover specific organic keywords and phrases.

What’s the meaning? What is interesting to you? Why did I take this photo?

This SEO story is about you caring to take the time to appreciate your surroundings.

Some topics to consider:

Changes of seasons, changes in behavior (especially in this cat), time spent observing (humans, birds, and cats), and more photography of nature in your backyard.

Keywords of any situation can have more meaning when you include the emotions of your observations.

The simple things you enjoy daily fill writing notes with the best keywords for your next story.



Thomas Sparley
The Daily Cuppa

53 years as explorer, writer, photographer. Photographs to Paragraphs. One-eye writing to share experiences of learning to adapt. 28-yrs geologist.